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 Hopeful Morose


Rossyam Hadi

 Hopeful Morose ☾

Catching Fire
Perfect Shapes
Almost Home
Kissing Strangers
Music In Me
Best Lover
Wish You Well
Permanent Passenger
Happy Now

 Credits ☾ 

Thank you for taking your precious time to read this little collection of mine that was taken straight from the pages of my life from the past two years. Thank you to Mira Hani for editing all the poems. I wrote this collection to help me deal with my heartbreak, depression and find and regain my confidence that's been shattered. Hopeful Morose is about embracing both the dark and light in life - it's okay to feel sad, broken, unwanted but knowing it is temporary as after the night there's morning. I hope this collection can give you hope in love, life or whichever difficulties that you're facing.

love, syam.


Too hard for us to take,
you make it easier
by throwing me
away with the ashes.

The sparks that ignited within us,
only to know it will
jade one day
when you can't
love me the same.

I will catch the fire
and put out the flame,
where the heat
will never touch you again.

I let you keep
the last match,
so you can use it
to burn a new light.


I've always mistaken
the sun as
the brightest light,
that only leads me
to burn myself down.

I'm still searching
for the shooting stars
to brighten the sky,
I don't want to
spend the night
in total darkness.

I discover a lot of incomplete shapes,
trying to reshape,
squeezing to fit
into each other,
but at the end
we only
break ourselves apart.

Will I ever find
the right size
that will fill
my empty parts?

(3) LIGHT 

Can't close my eyes at night
without those antidote
to help me get to
the land of Nod.

I found you
when I was defeated
with nothing left behind,
only you can see me
through the inkiness.

I can perceive the truthfulness
in the hurdle
that I faced,
an unexpected turnover
that I needed.

Illuminate me
with your glaring gleam
that gives me shadow,
just like the moon,
you are always up there
watching me.

I am the city,
you are the light
that never fails
to make me glow
in the dark

every night.


Maybe the road
was too twisted
or could it be the ride
that is too bumpy
for us
to hold on to?

We made promises
that are meant
to be broken,
we made love
that was not
passionate enough.

I thought you
were my forever,
but you turned out
to be my hardest goodbyes,
I will miss your
morning and night wishes.

I can't find
a way to you,
you are the home
that I will never
come back to.

(5) WILD 

Wild and free
I will be,
put out all my doubts
that have been the wildfire
inside me for a while.

You set the forest
in me on fire,
turning my exquisite garden
into a wasteland,
I've learned to survive
without your essences
like a wildflower.

Unwrapped the shell
and allowed my pearl to glint
over the ocean of emotions
that used to
drown me deep.

I sew the wounded parts,
patch-working the imperfections,
letting the light in
and beaming shades of rainbow
out of me.

I will rise
stronger and wiser
from the ashes
like a phoenix.


Out on my own
as I am
free from the string
that used to
keep me attached.

The night's still young
and the devil never hits the sack,
I drown in my own lechery
in someone else's arms.

Many hands had touch me,
trying to fill the desolation,
when the truth is
I miss being clasped
by you.

Waking up
on random beds
in different places
is no longer unusual.

I can kiss
all the strangers
on the street
but it won't taste
as righteous as yours.


You hit the right note
that struck a chord in me,
makes my heart beat
like a drum
on a fast tempo.

I want to play you
on the stereo
all night long,
your perfect pitch
takes me high
like we belong
in the same harmony.

You are the song
that I will always
sing along to
whenever you appear
in my playlist.

Write me a love album
with lovely lyrics
and soothing tunes
that tells 
the story of us.

You are the music in me,
the soundtrack of my life
that brings joy and sorrow,
keeps me dancing and crying
when I listen to you.


I gave you all
and I can give more
for you to stay
right here with me.

What we used to have was wonderful,
just a pair of lovebirds,
sitting on a cracked branch,
ready to crash anytime soon,
which we finally did.

Our memories
will be an immortal flames
that will never extinguish
throughout the time,
it will live forever in me.

I want to be better,
I wish we can be better,
even when things couldn't get any better,
you should have loved me better.


I can write
a thousand love poems
to show how much
I cherish you.

I will learn
how to cook
delicious dish
to keep you
full and healthy.

We can sit on a rooftop
at late night
and have a deep conversation
about ourselves;
our dreams and futures
while looking at the starlit sky above.

You don't have
to be perfect,
I will still laugh
at your lame jokes
and sleep on
your chubby tummy.

I can be
the best lover
you ever had
if only you
love me unconditionally.


I draw the curtains open,
unlock the window,
let the sunlight in
and kiss my bare skin softly.

The trees are
waving welcoming at me
while the birds
greet me with their
cheerful chirping.

I can feel
the fresh breeze
dancing through my hair,
then I breathe it
deep into my lungs.

I keep myself alive,
surviving night after night
so I could waking up
to another sunrise

and look forward
for sunshine
as warm as summer
at noon.


I still keep
your love letter
and some feelings
of missing you.

When the leaves
fall to the ground
in autumn,
my tears drop too
when seeing you bloom
after the winter,
even without me.

I'll never find
other needs that
can fulfil me
like how you used to.

You can't return back
my heart,
I let you keep
a part of it.

I'll try to
sleep alone tonight
and I wish you well.


We get on the ride
without any map
or compass to guide us,
we create our own ways
and start the journey.

It could be dangerous,
but I feel safe
sitting beside you
as you take the wheel
and bring us 
to somewhere new.

We will watch
every sunrise and sunset
while I rest my head
on your shoulder
and be your permanent passenger.

I want to see
the world with you,
we can go places
that we have never been,
seeing seven wonders,
exploring exotic and historical cities,
capturing priceless moments.

After the long trip,
I will always come back
to your arms,
my comfort place
and waking up
to your face,
my favourite morning view.


We plant the seed,
nurture our crop
with hope and patience
in seeing it
grow and blossom beautifully.

Once in a while,
we can't see the sunbeam,
there's only shadowy sky
destroying our love,
slowly but surely.

I dreamed for a perfect life
where we can be right
in all the wrong ways,
but it all ended up
falling down into the rabbit hole.

I have lost myself
and found a happiness
in my own arms,
where I belong,
now and forever.

I am happy now
by myself,
I hope you are happier
without me.


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